Monday, June 28, 2010


*note: for every post after this one, the only computer I am guaranteed to have is my mom's netbook, which, if you don't know, is rather slow and laggy and does not have much memory on I apologize if that affects future online communication. :)


my program has about 70 students (a lot, i know!) who are mostly undergrad students from around the country + canada. we're placed into french classes by level. i got intermediate. some of the other students are taking fine arts classes, but i'm not. (i know, right?? but i didn't want extra class. i'm done with that ish.) i have class every day from 9:00-12:00 (yay for 7am metro rides!) and class on TuTh from 2:00-5:00. The other time is going to be spent traveling, exploring, etc! i have a long bucket list of all the things I want to do while in paris, and i'm sure i'll come up with many more! aah

a bit about my host "family." i live in the 12th arrondisement which is a little off the main drag but not too far from the ile de la cité. :) my host mom is a single woman, presumably middle aged, with 2 adult children who don't live there but who visit regularly. i don't know if she has or had a husband. she has 2 cats. :) i'm excited about that. i have one other roommate, but we both have singles. we get 2 meals a day. :)

a few weeks ago, when i was choosing housing, i was grappling pretty hard over homestay vs. dorm. while part of me still wishes i could be in the dorm to get to bond with people faster and have more freedom, i am still super excited for the food, care, and culture (and cats!) that a homestay will bring.

as for transporation, i can take the metro everywhere, but i still have to figure all that stuff out. in a bad way. i'm bound to get lost, but that's all part of the experience. :)

i bought a new lens for my camera. it is heavy and long compared to the kit lens. but i will tolerate it. :) i also brought my 50mm/1.8, and on lazy days i will have "50 days" with my uber-light and uber-close lens.

after my program ends on july 31st, i am going to attempt to travel to south france and italy for 10 days until i fly back on the 11th (which i had mistakenly thought was the 10th this while time.) the problem: i need someone to go with me.

i've been reading up on french politesse, such as french social customs, and what to do in certain social situations. it's pretty different from america. i hope i remember any of it, and that it helps me.

okay. i am going to update my ipod (new david guetta and chromeo yeayuhhh), go to bed, wake up at 5:00 am and get on the plane.

see you on the other side.

<3 rebecca "and they said i couldn't write a post using no capital letters" mesch

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