Tuesday, July 6, 2010

day 8: just a normal day (and perhaps many more like it)

today i took the metro to school with emily. we walked to gare de lyon, switched trains at châtelet, and got off at st. sulpice. then we walked to school. we found out out placements. i got placed into intermediate 3. not bad. it's definitely the highest level i thought i could potentially get. i had my first class. it was fun. :) there are students in my class from japan (YES! TWO!), brazil, vietnam, romania, serbia, italy, ghana, ireland, and USA of course. there is also a korean boy. i sat next to him. we talked french. his french is better than his english. isn't that interesting and cool?! 'cause i'm used to speaking english with korean students...and not french.
then we (ISA students et moi) went to lunch. i bought a sandwich at the monop' and we ate at luxembourg gardens. (this is the third time we have done that.) we sat in chairs and talked about american college life.

then i went to my afternoon class--oral french. korean boy was in it too. (i shouldn't say "boy", because he's 30...-_-...but whatever.) it was too long though. 3 hours in a 90+ degree room listening to the same radio broadcast over and over again was too much. afterward i went to the computer lab with candace and beth and we booked our trip to brussels. then i took the metro home. i ate dinner with my roommate (emily) and our host mom. we talked about traveling, global warming, and how they filmed gossip girl in paris that day. now i am here.

that was my day :) a perfectly normal day.

sometimes (actually, oftentimes) it smells like piss in the subway. sometimes there are crazy people. always hobos. sometimes broken bottles or trash. people are busy and selfish and don't smile and push you and don't talk to you. but it's not france, pas du tout. it's all part of living in a big city. new york would be no different.

and girls can hold their own alone at night. it's not that bad. i've perfected the mean stare-straight-ahead. who's gonna mess with a girl with that face?!

i really liked class today so i'm excited for more. :)

just a normal day today. i brought my camera but didn't take a single picture. waste of 13 pounds.

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