Sunday, July 4, 2010

days 5 and 6 (i i'm losing track)

this weekend was Saint Malo & Mont Saint Michel.

Saint Malo is the most beautiful place I've been to in life thus far. It was seriously one of the most idyllic experiences I've ever had. I want to honeymoon there. <3 (don't know if it could trump Hawaii since I've never been there, but we'll see.) The quaint little town with cobblestone streets and buildings, but in a nautical-esque way...the beach, the island you can walk to at low tide with AMAZING 360 views of the bay...I can't even describe it. What a perfect vacation spot. Just wait til you see my pics.

Crossing the "bay" of Mon Saint Michel was similarly dumbfounding. Nothing but cracked, grey, muddy earth on the bottom and blue sky on the top for miles. (6 miles to be exact.) We were dead tired by the end, but I'd rather do something like that than stay cooped up in the big city. :) We jumped up and down on muddy water-clay to make quicksand and starting sinking!

What a beautiful weekend. Being back in the (STILL EXTREMELY HOT CITY) is a little more stressful (daily life as opposed to tourism), but obviously still exciting and fun. Class starts tomorrow!

Definitely used to people speaking French EVERYWHERE. It's funny...I feel like I know what it feels like to be a "minority" more now. I feel judged for being American. I feel somewhat hated on. I feel people's stares, and their judgement at my incompentence to speak perfect French. But, at least I get points for knowing some (unlike some people in my program) and for trying. TRYING. And having an okay accent. But in any case, those metro rides can get preeetty lonely when you have 8 stops to go and you can't look at anyone or hear a single conversation you really comprehend, all the while clutching your stuff like a madwoman.

I guess there are those little "lows" about this life, most of them homestay- or logistic-related, but I wouldn't say I'm experiencing angst or depression like they warn you. I'm still getting used to people and trying to figure out where I fit in, but I know for sure I won't want to leave.

There are no vegetarian sandwiches anywhere, but there are pizza, galettes, and salads. I'm a little sick of salads. There are A LOT of good desserts and ice creams which I always want to eat. My program has 3 other vegetarians so that makes it a little easier. Orangina is plentiful, which I LOVE. Customer service doesn't exist--the owner/worker (rather than the customer) is always right. There's nothing wrong about that, that's just how it is here.

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